We think you will be delighted with our pricing.
Feel free to compare us against your current lien resolution service pricing. You’ll find that our low Maximum Fees set us apart from the rest.
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Pricing Structure
Engagement fee is based on number of liens
Final Fee
Final Fee is based on settlement
Maximum Fee
Maximum fee is fixed and cannot be more than Engagement Fee Plus Final Fee
Frequently Asked Questions
Engagement Fees
What is an Engagement Fee?
An Engagement Fee is charged to start the case. We will send an invoice for the engagement fee after we verify we have everything needed to start the case and contact the lienholders.
Final Fee
What is the Final Fee?
The Final Fee is charged after the case is finalized. It is based on a percentage of settlement or if taken to court, percentage of the judgement. The Final Fee doesn’t always reflect the final invoice, as that is usually reduced based on Engagement Fee and Maximum Fee.
What if there is no Settlement or Judgement?
If there is no Settlement or Judgement, we do not collect a Final Fee. We understand the amount of time that is put into a case and do not feel it is ethical to further burden your firm with an additional fee if nothing was gained. We are in this together and want to share in both the wins and the losses. Other lien resolution service pricing won’t match this.
Maximum Fee
What is a Maximum Fee?
A Maximum Fee puts a cap on the total amount we charge for a case. Because our Final Fee is based on a percentage, the charge may get extremely high if the settlement amount is high. We don’t think that is fair to our clients so we limit the total charge with a Maximum Fee. Your total charge when combining Engagement Fee and Final Fee will never exceed the Maximum Fee amount.
Does Maximum Fee only apply to the Final Fee?
No, it applies to both Engagement Fee and Final Fee COMBINED and caps your total charge for the case at the Maximum Fee amount. This is what sets our lien resolution service costs apart. Competitors can’t match this.
General Lien Resolution Service Pricing FAQ
Why don’t you charge a final fee based on the amount you reduce the liens?
We realize that some other Lien Service companies charge based on a percentage of the amount they reduce the the liens. Based on our experience, the amount a lien is reduced is often directly tied to how much the subrogation specialist or insurance specialist decides to include in the original lien amount.
For example, a high original lien amount may only be high because the subrogation specialist tried to include all charges in all facilities for your client, regardless if the charges are within the scope of your case. They normally let the Lien Resolution Specialist sort it out, disputing the charges that are out of the case’s scope. Although this does lead to more work to sort out, if the subrogation specialist would have done their job the initial Lien amounts would be much lower. To us, it doesn’t seem right to charge more based on this behavior
Regardless, you can be assured we will fight to make sure only the correct amounts are included in the liens, and we will keep subrogation firms in check if they try to include charges that are out of scope.
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